Seedtime and harvest

Albion Press in the studio

Albion Press made in Southwark, London

Albion Press restored

Albion Press in the studio
Linocut prints, wood engraving & paintings
Hand-printed linocut prints, wood engravings, charcoal drawings, and, on occasion, acrylic or oil paintings escape from my studio.

Slow printmaking
Starting with sketches and ideas transferred to a lino block. A master linocut block image is cut away and transferred to other blocks.​
Limited edition linocuts are low numbers as each colour is mixed by hand. Using hand rollers the ink is rolled on to the plate or block and applied to the paper.
The only machinery used to make the linocut prints is an 1859 Albion Press. Keeping traditional printmaking an art form in times of mass production.

The same yesterday today and tomorrow